From Our Students
Intro Deals You Don’t Want to Miss Out On
At Indy House of Pilates, you get to choose from several membership options. Get started today with these special intorductory deals!
Pilates Equipment Classes
To help you quickly and safely develop your skill on the equipment, 3 (discounted) Private Sessions are required before joining equipment classes.
Group Fitness Classes
Massage Therapy
Let Us Get To Know You!
Ever thought about becoming a Pilates instructor?
About Our Studio
Indy House of Pilates offers high-quality, private and group Pilates equipment classes PLUS group fitness classes, like yoga, Pilates mat, Zumba®, TRX®, STRONG Nation™ and fitness barre. Indy House of Pilates also offers massage and other therapeutic services. Attend a variety of classes that will challenge your mind and body, and then relax with a therapeutic massage!
We’d love to get to know more about you and to help answer your questions…
Our Instructors
Click on any photo to learn more about our talented, experienced and friendly instructors.

- Studio Owner and 2nd Generation Master Pilates Instructor
- BASI Comprehensive Master-Certified Pilates Instructor
- Neurokinetic Therapy® (NKT®) Level 2 Certified Practitioner
- Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex® (P-DTR®) Trained Practitioner
- Practitioner of The VOILÀ Method of Structural Joint Balancing
- Amino Neuro Frequency (ANF) Therapist
- TRX® Instructor
- Gold Certified PiYo™ Instructor
- Certified Zumba® Instructor (Multiple)
Always active and outgoing, Rachel has been involved in fitness and sports since she was in high school. While training for a mini-marathon, Rachel suffered a debilitating back injury. After a major spinal fusion operation, she was confined to a bed or wheelchair for 80% of her waking hours.
After two separate rounds of traditional physical therapy, heavy medication, and overwhelming frustration with mainstream rehabilitation, Rachel committed to private Pilates equipment sessions. This was her last effort to regain strength, endurance, flexibility, and mobility.
Within a few sessions, the results were amazing and inspiring. Her pain subsides was able to participate in her day-to-day activities stronger than ever before.
A sense of joy and duty has fueled Rachel's desire to share the life-changing benefits of the Pilates method. She completed 2 separate Pilates Master certifications, along with several other fitness certifications.
Rachel completed the comprehensive Pilates certification from the world-renowned Body Arts and Sciences International (BASI) and eventually completed another series of training to complete BASI's Master-Mentor certification.
Rachel was selected among only a few individuals in the world to take part in the Pilates Master Mentor Program. This program was led by Lolita San Miguel - one of only two people to have received official certification from Joseph Pilates himself. This intensive, two-year, by-invitation only program, described as "The Spirit of The Method", was received by Ms. San Miguel directly from Joseph and Clara Pilates.
After completing this second Pilates Master certification, Rachel wishes to share the tradition of quality with other Pilates instructors. Rachel is one of the very few in the world to hold this honored distinction. She the only Pilates instructor in Indiana to have completed this program.
Rachel considered her Pilates Master certifications as the beginning of helping others with pain and physical dysfunction. She then also completed training in four separate types of therapeutic modalities - Neurokinetic Therapy® (NKT®), Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex® (P-DTR®), The VOILÀ Method of Structural Joint Balancing, and Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy.
The results have been nothing short of miraculous for the many clients who have benefited from these techniques.
Rachel's personal experiences and love for the Pilates method continues to drive her toward sharing its benefits with as many people as she can. She credits Pilates for balancing her body and providing her the ability to return to life. Rachel hopes that you will allow her an opportunity to share some of the amazing benefits of the Pilates method with you.
"Pilates changed my life forever... Allow me to show you how it can change yours!"

Caitlin completed her comprehensive BASI Pilates teacher certification in 2012 - passing her teacher training with BASI Pilates founder Rael Isacowitz. She is certified to instruct on all major Pilates equipment and in Pilates Mat work as well.
Caitlin is also a professional dancer and began her dance training at Fort Wayne Ballet in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She then went on to study at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas where she earned a B.F.A. in Dance Performance and a B.A. in Anthropology. While at SMU, Caitlin choreographed for the student-run Brown Bag Dance Series and led choreographic workshops. Caitlin has also studied at the American Dance Festival and at The Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, American Ballet Theater, Richmond Ballet and Thodos Dance Chicago.
She has performed in works by Martha Graham, George Balanchine, Alvin Ailey, Sabrina Madison-Cannon, Larry White, David Hochoy, Cynithia Pratt and Winifred Haun. She has attended workshops with Nina Wolly, 360 Dance Company, Alex Ketley and Garret-Moulton Productions. Caitlin danced with Dance Kaleidoscope for four seasons and currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana
In 2008, she co-founded and currently runs The Indy Convergence, a pop-up arts residency program for professional artists held annually in Indianapolis and Jacmel, Haiti. Most recently, Caitlin danced with Kybele Dance Theater, as well as choreographers Stefan Wenta, Robin Conrad and Madeline Butcher.
Indy House of Pilates is excited to have Caitlin as part of our team of experienced certified instructors. We know that our clients will enjoy the results that she can help them to achieve!

In 2018, Jessica was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and began the journey to recovery while also learning to accept and understand the new "normal" of her body. She cannot express how instrumental Pilates was toward attaining body awareness, proper core activation, stretching and breath work - nor how these benefits helped in her speedy recovery.
Jessica knew that finding the right studio would be key to aiding in her healing process after surgery. She had been looking for a studio that focused on form, function, control and growth in an environment that would be safe for her healing body... and Indy House of Pilates was the answer.
After becoming a dedicated member of the IHP studio community, Jessica decided to take the next step on her Pilates journey by becoming an instructor. She greatly valued everything that the Pilates method had done for her mind and body, so it only made sense to share her knowledge and experience with others.
As a Pilates instructor, Jessica finds love and passion in helping her students to realize their potential and strength. With a background in psychology, she is amazed by the way the mind can limit the body. Empowering other women to stop self-limiting beliefs and to begin embracing their power and strength drives Jessica to become a better teacher by expanding her expertise at every opportunity.
"I cannot wait to help you realize the power that lies within and how it can transform your everyday life!"

During her time at IU, she took a particular interest in theatrical movement and stage combat. She had the opportunity to learn and experiment with various movement and dance techniques. Though this experience, she came to realize that Pilates was much more than just a workout technique and discovered a whole legacy of Pilates intersecting with the arts.
Having completed the Indy School of Pilates' instructor training, Sarah is thrilled to be a part of the IHP team. Pilates has been an amazing way for her to reconnect with her body’s capacity for balance, strength, and flexibility, while greatly improving her overall health and well-being. She’s excited to share her passion for the Pilates method with clients to them grow and strengthen!
When not in the studio, Sarah can be found managing her family’s private counseling practice, playing guitar, or snuggling with her cat, Min.

Sarah is also a free diver and has practiced her skills in open waters off the coasts of Florida and Belize, as well as in the the pristine waters of Montana. She enjoys fly fishing and deep sea fishing. As if having all that fun in the water wasn't enough, Sarah is also pursuing her passions on dry land by hiking, biking, practicing yoga and the best of all… Pilates.
Sarah’s roots begin in the Big Sky Country. In addition to her time in Montana, Sarah has also enjoyed living in Washington State. Sarah and her boyfriend moved to Indiana with her three wonderful sons. They are still acclimating to the Hoosier state and welcome all of your suggestions on things you "must do" here.

As a full-time university student studying social sciences and philosophy, Corey began exploring the Yoga Tradition. With a growing family, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or ME), and full-time studies, stress built up and overwhelming depression began to set in.
His yoga practice began then and both the depth and breadth of the tradition surprised and excited him. This played an indispensable role in overcoming depression.
By the start of the following school year, Corey had transferred to Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, as a Yoga Studies major. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Yoga Studies and a 1000 hour yoga teacher training certificate from Naropa University.
This experience seemed naturally to lead into the next phase of acquiring the skills and knowledge to help and heal people: therapeutic massage and bodywork training and practice. Corey enrolled in Indiana Therapeutic Massage School with what was left of his GI Bill. He has completed 98 hours of continuing education, including training in the John F. Barnes approach to myofascial release and Association of Bodywork and Massage Professionals courses.
Corey also has a B.A. degree in theology and a variety of volunteer experience in teaching and leadership roles. He is certified by the American Red Cross in first aid, CPR, and AED.
Working with Indy House of Pilates members, he looks forward to combining these effects with those of Pilates and yoga to help you define and meet your wellness goals.
Corey's most important work, though, is as a father to his four young daughters and as a husband. Practicing and teaching skills in and guiding connection with nature is another area of work and interest for him. He is a lifelong learner, always taking in new information and perspectives and working towards self-mastery. He tries to make time among all this for his own yoga practice and self-care, making music (playing instruments, especially guitar, and singing), reading, lifting weights, spiritual studies and practices, and good conversation.
Corey would love to offer the skills, knowledge, and wisdom from these journeys to help you reach your wellness goals both on the massage table and on the mat, and he looks forward to learning amd growing more with you!

While living in the UK, Jessica began her Pilates practice and experienced a complete transformation. After many years of weightlifting and high-intensity training, Pilates helped to also calm her body and mind, while providing beneficial movement to alleviate tight muscles and various aches and pains.
She completed a Pilates mat certification in the UK with FitPro, where she taught for nearly 3 years. Jessica then moved to Chicago to teach Pilates for 2 years while also expanding her Pilates expertise on the Reformer and other apparatus.
After moving to Indianapolis, Jessica completed the comprehensive BASI method Pilates training, as well as the NASM Personal Training certification with a Women's Fitness Specialist (WFS) certification, among other certifications across a broad range of fitness disciplines.

Amy has found so much joy teaching others the movements of the Pilates method. In her classes, you will always find the lights a little dim and the energy positive. Amy is always looking for new ways to modify her classes, allowing it to be easier or more challenging, to help each client to achieve their fitness goals. Amy aspires to have everyone leave her classes a little stronger and much happier.
When Amy is not in the studio, you can find her nose buried in a good book and sipping a strong cup of coffee. But what she enjoys most, is her family.
Amy looks forward to seeing you in her next class!

Kara's life had been filled with various athletics. From golf to volleyball, and basketball to Tae Kwon Do, there were very few sports Kara hasn't tried. However, she didn't truly develop a passion for exercise and had not integrated a regular weekly workout routine into her life. Thankfully, a friend invited Kara to a Zumba class, which also ignited her love of group exercise classes.
In her free time, Kara enjoys spending time with her husband, as well as reading and cuddling her dog.

Samantha's renewed love for exercise helped her to improve posture, relieve back pain, and reduce stress. She has especially enjoyed how the Pilates method has increased her physical strength and mind-body awareness.
Samantha decided to deepen her understanding and knowledge of the Pilates method and completed instructor training at Indy School of Pilates. She looks forward to sharing her love of Pilates with others so they can also develop a stronger body and mind.
Outside of the studio, Samantha works as a full-time optometrist with IU Health Physicians. She also enjoys traveling, taking her beagle for walks, and enjoying time with family and friends.

A few years ago, Lynn changed careers to a seated job and found that her hips got tighter even though she was doing an intense 5 a.m. workout 4-5 times each week. The focus was on endurance and strength training and less on form and safety. A low back injury sidelined her for a few months. When she eased back into the workouts, it flared up again. She knew she needed to find a different way to safely exercise.
When Lynn found Indy House of Pilates, she realized that she had stumbled onto the perfect fit for her. She knew a little bit about Pilates as a core and all-over body workout. Strengthening your core has so many benefits at all stages of life. The attention to our individual body while encouraging safe movement really stood out to her. She enjoyed the variety of classes offered each week and the fun events. It is a great community.
Becoming an instructor was a huge step that would allow Lynn to develop a deeper understanding of the Pilates method. She always enjoyed helping others and doing exercise, so it seemed a perfect fit. Her goal is to encourage people of all ages to grow older with a strong core and improve their flexibility and ranges of motion.
Outside of the studio, Lynn enjoys meeting up with friends to share a meal or a drink, reading books, traveling, and going on new adventures. She also enjoys cooking, bourbon and camping with her guy. She has 3 daughters living in different parts of the country. She’s grateful that her Pilates practice is something she can take with her wherever she travels.

After developing a regular practice, Emily decided she wanted to take a deeper dive. While researching training programs, Emily read Rachel William's story of how Pilates allowed her to recover from back surgery. This profoundly resonated with Emily, so she decided to attend Pilates instructor training at Indy School of Pilates. She now has the privilege of helping others to learn about the method which allowed her to heal from chronic pain and to gain strength.
Outside of the studio, Emily can usually be found volunteering for Love of Labs, a local dog rescue group, or driving all over the city in search of the perfect brunch.
Frequently Asked Questions
Select a question below to find an answer
What results can I expect from Pilates?
Adding Pilates to your life will result in various physical changes, like increased flexibility and range of motion, increased core strength, decreased back pain and increased balance. In addition to the common physical changes Pilates practitioners experience, many report improved memory, increased mental clarity, decreased stress and increased overall self-awareness. Although these results do not happen overnight, most individuals will begin to feel changes within the first 10 sessions or less!
What should I wear to my class?
For Pilates, Fitness Barre and Yoga classes, we recommend well-fitting workout clothing and bare feet or grip socks. Don’t worry if you don’t have grip socks. We have some available for purchase at the studio!
For Zumba, TRX and Strong Nation classes, wear tennis shoes that lace up and are tied. We do not recommend slip-on shoes for these classes.
Why do I need to do 3 Introductory Private Pilates Sessions before joining Pilates equipment classes?
These introductory sessions are required prior to joining equipment classes for a several reasons. The most important reason is that we want you to have a safe, enjoyable and effective workout experience. During these 3 sessions, you will get more comfortable using the Pilates Equipment safely. You will also learn the foundational Pilates exercises, upon which the rest of our exercises are built!
I have never really exercised and have never taken a Yoga or Pilates class. Will I be able to keep up with others?
YES! We adapt every class to the particular group of participants in attendance. On occasion, we offer intermediate and advanced classes, which are marked accordingly on the scheduler.
Why aren't membership prices listed on the IHP website?
This is due to the variety of memberships we offer, and how we can also custom-tailor a membership to a client’s needs and preferences. If you would like to learn more about our memberships. then please click here to set up some time to meet with us so we can help answer your questions and design a custom membership just for you. She will be happy to discuss your personal needs to help you select the best package for you.
What are grip socks?
“Grip socks” are socks with small rubber grips on the bottom.. Think of hospital socks with way better colors and a much better fit! These type socks are great for yoga and Pilates to prevent sliding and to keep your feet warm during class where you would otherwise be barefoot.
What does it mean to be on the waitlist?
Being on the waitlist is like being on “standby”. When the available spots for a class are full, we open up a waitlist for others who may want to attend. If someone releases their spot in class, the next person on the waitlist will be assigned that spot in the class.
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